pregnant woman

Pregnancy is the most special feeling for women. So, the sustenance should be unique as well. It’s very much important to maintain a healthy diet during pregnancy as your little one eats what you eat. So, won’t you like to serve the best and healthiest foods to him? Of course, you would, right!! Then you shouldn’t just eat anything. During this time, your body needs additional vitamins and nutrients. In fact, consuming 300-500 extra calories is the must!

Nowadays, there are various kinds of exclusive top quality pregnancy supplements like folic acid tablets, multivitamins, etc. available in the market. These products would do wonders for the mom-to-be working ladies who don’t get much time to prepare the healthy recipes due to the hectic work schedules. These are easy to take, handy and will certainly fill up the blanks in their diet. Moreover, these supplements are the great add-ons in the healthy diet of the pregnant ladies.

But these supplements are not that cheap! However, If you’re one among such women who is expecting your baby soon, then there’s good news for you! Just check this promo offers page, and you can find a hell lot of ways to eat healthily & save your bucks as well.

Now, when you’ve got a basic idea of how good are supplements for you, how can I forget about the major supernatural pregnancy foods? Of course, the real ones are outstandingly good! So, here I’ve listed out the seven must-take nutritious foods for the pregnant women.

1.Dairy products

During the pregnancy period, you must intake extra calcium and protein as these elements are must for a growing fetus. There are two types of high-quality protein present in the dairy products. They are whey and casein. Dairy is one of the best dietary sources of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, etc.

Are you fond of yoghurt? Then, especially you should go for greek yoghurt! It is particularly advantageous for pregnant women as it contains more calcium than all other dairy products. This type of yoghurt also include the probiotic bacteria that supports digestive health.


When it comes to healthy foods, eggs are the ultimate ones. It contains a little bit of all the nutrients needed by a pregnant woman. Do you know how much calories you intake with an egg in your breakfast? It’s 77 calories!! You also get some high-quality protein and fat. It also contains many vitamins and minerals. Eggs are also a great source of choline which is responsible for brain development. So, if you go through a low choline intake during pregnancy, then it will possibly lead to decreased brain function of your yet to come baby.

3.Green veggies

The greens like spinach, broccoli, kale, etc. contain various useful vitamins and minerals like the vitamin- C, vitamin-K, vitamin-A, calcium, iron, folate and potassium which are extremely beneficial for the pregnant women. This is not the end, these green foods contain a huge amount of antioxidants that makes our immune and digestive system work pretty well.

4.Fish liver oil

This special oil is made up of oily liver of fish which is known as cod. Fish liver oil is an excellent source of omega-3-fatty acids like EPA and DHA which are needed for foetal eye and brain development. It is also a very good source of Vitamin D which is very essential to maintain your baby’s bone health. Are you allergic to seafood? Well, many of us are. But, that makes you deficient in Vitamin D. So, that’s when fish liver oil makes up for all the deficiencies, and you get enough of this vitamin in your body.

5.Dried Fruits

Different kinds of dried fruits are high in calories, vitamins, and minerals. One piece of dried fruit will give you the same amount of nutrients as a whole fresh fruit, just without water in a much smaller form. And as there is no water, it is very good for you pregnant ladies because you need to maintain the water balance to avoid excessive swelling up of your body. But, make sure you avoid the candid varieties to prevent excessive intake of sugar.

You’ve to usually pay some really good amount to buy a pack of dried fruits as these are processed ones and ready to serve edibles with high benefits. But, now you can purchase the exotic varieties of dried fruits and other groceries at affordable rates. For that, you just have to use the exciting deals from the leading grocery stores in the UK which are available all together at So, what are you waiting for? Make the smart move and snap up your saving.

I’m sure, the foods mentioned above will help you to lead a healthy and happy pregnancy. So, enjoy chomping these foods and pamper the most precious version of your life – Motherhood.

Author bio:
Henry Veno is a content marketer at VoucherShops, a leading online vouchers providing website. He is a thought leader in the realm of content marketing and strategy and relishes inditing about Technology, Marketing & perpetual Industry trends. He’s a techy geek and loves to explore latest happenings.


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