black denmark

Black Women Bloggers in Europe Series – Denmark 2 – Siovhan in Scandinavia

Siovhan in Scandinavia

Siovan in Scandinavia

I am an American actress that is getting ready to make a huge move to Denmark with my fiancé. He is handsome, and amazing, and a Dane, and has to return to his country for at least 2 years after completing his masters in Architecture at a school in Los Angeles this September. I’m going with him. We were engaged last July, and plan on getting married next July both in Chicago USA, and in Copenhagen DK. I am beside myself excited about starting a new chapter of my life in Copenhagen. I am a working actress with a bachelor of fine arts degree from a theater conservatory in Chicago, a theater arts teacher, and a certified Yoga instructor. Or you could just call me an artist. I’m ready to take advantage of what opportunities Denmark has to offer, and am ready to take steps to fulfill my dream of performing on many amazing stages in Europe and around the world…connecting people through the stories told onstage. Josephine Baker is a real inspiration for my art and life. I will use this blog to document my move and life in CPH with pictures, videos and all of that good stuff. It will also be a great place for Americans thinking of moving to Denmark, because I will be sure to fill you in on all of my struggles and truimphs along the way. Here we go! This is my journey. This is my story.

Link to Siovhan in Scandinvia

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