African Diaspora black England black london

Dr Nathalie Montlouis shares her doctoral thesis and highlights black women as ‘Anansy’ in the promotion and diffusion of their own interests by content sharing websites.


From the People who brought you Black Women, Hair Skin and Beauty..

Symbolic Violence and The Image of Black Women

Thursday 28 June 7pm to 9pm,

Pimlico Academy


Lupus Street, SW1

Tube: Pimlico Victoria line (5 mins walk)


Entry: 6.00  Pay on the door, first come first served.

This event is about female representation and the black female identity. Dr Nathalie Montlouis shares her doctoral thesis and highlights black women as ‘Anansy’ in the promotion and diffusion of their own interests by content sharing websites. We will cover..

  • The African Queen
  • The sketel
  • The label of domestic violence
  • The diktat of the ‘strong black woman’
  • Religion, make up and long sleeve
  • It’s not raining men

..interactive, with  short videos, photos and rare documents we illustrate and discuss  what it means to be a ”black woman ” in the 21st century. This event is a preview of a major conference on black women titled “Rebellion and Compliance of Womanhood within the African Diaspora” taking place in March 2013.

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