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National Institutions against Discrimination in Combating Racism and Xenophobia

National Institutions against Discrimination in Combating Racism and Xenophobia

Vienna, 29-30 May 2008

This Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting, entitled The Role of National Institutions against Discrimination in Combating Racism and Xenophobia with Special Focus on Persons belonging to National Minorities and Migrants, will look at ways to overcome challenges at the national and international level.

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  1. Rather off topic, but I doubt that you have heard of Salaria Kea. She was a nurse for the International Brigades in the Spanish Civil War.

  2. Black Women in Europe

    Hi Ned! Thanks for telling me about Salaria Kea. I read up on her and learned that she was an extraordinary woman.

  3. Thanks Ned and Black Women in Europe for the information about this courageous woman- Salaria Kea.

    I plan to do more research on her. Well, we learn every day.


  4. Black Women in Europe

    You’re welcome Ana. Like you I found Salaria Kea courageous. I’m so glad that Ned to us about her!

  5. Wow, Ned this is exciting news! I’ve been a nurse for 17 years (7 of them as an adult nurse practitioner). I love hearing stories about wonderful women who’s paved the way for others such as myself! Thanks for sharing!


  6. Black Women in Europe

    Hi Victoria,

    I’m glad you found inspiration in Salaria’s story. What’s exciting is that there are so many other women like Salaria, trailblazers, whose stories are their to drive us on.

    Ned, what other treasures can you share with us?

  7. I am a bit overwhelmed by the response. I have long been interested by the Spanish Republic and belatedly decided to look up things on youtube.

    There is also this BBC documentary on one of America’s real heros, Josephine Baker, “The First Black Superstar”.

  8. Black Women in Europe


    I have loved Josephone Baker for as long as I have nown about her! Thanks for the link to the BBC documentary.

    Here are my previous posts on, about or that mention Josephine Baker:

  9. Since I am still here at the moment.

    Nothing to do with women, black or other, in Europe, but also good for historical interest is the story of American Victoria Woodhull. Maybe a bit off topic.

    Nurse Victoria reminded me of her. There are a couple of youtube things about her.

    Also look up the Charlie Rose show with an interview with a biographer and the video of by an independent “A visit to the Vanderbuilts and Victoria Woodhull”.

    I would just like to add that I had an aunt who was an army nurse during WWII in Europe.

  10. Black Women in Europe

    Hi Ned!

    Glad you’re still here.

    And I appreciate you sharing “off topic” subjects with us.

    While the goal of this blog is to raise the profile of Black Women in Europe, we are interested in a range of topics.

    I find it quite interesting what you have shared, and imagine you must be proud of your Aunt, the war veteran who helped save lives.

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