Black Ireland

Nobuhle Ncube of the Lifeline Africa Foundation is one of Irelands’ Leading Social Entrepreneurs

Social Entrepreneurs

Nobuhle Ncube, originally from Zimbabwe, has been living in Ireland since 2000 and is a founder member and Women’s Development Officer of AkidwA, a national African and migrant women’s network. From her work experience and as an African parent in Ireland, Nobuhle discovered a strong need to actively facilitate integration in the education sector by raising cultural awareness and promoting active intercultural dialogue between Irish and African children. Most primary schools in Ireland now have a significant number of African/Migrant children. Though culturally enriching, this poses significant challenges to Irish teachers and students alike.

“My vision is to live in an Ireland where all children relate to each other as equals and work together in promoting a positive learning environment despite cultural differences.”


Through the Lifeline Africa Foundation, Nobuhle plans to initiate an intercultural dialogue project between two primary schools in Ireland and two primary schools in Nigeria. This project will exchange intercultural learning and will enable students from both continents to engage in class projects and gain knowledge and understanding of each other’s cultures.

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