Black Women in Europe

Antonella Bunda, City Council of Florence, Italy


Alice Bah Kuhnke, MEP Sweden Green Party

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TACK 🌱. Jag kommer göra allt jag kan med allt jag har och bära ert förtroende med stort allvar. Det känns, inte minst efter alla meddelanden och möten, att ni har stora förväntningar och jag ska anstränga mig till det yttersta för att leva upp till dem. På bara några veckor blev ni oerhört många fler som valde att lägga er röst på @miljopartiet . Från dryga 6 procent i en tidig opinionsmätning till vad som just nu ser ut som hela 11,4 (!). Det är otroligt inspirerande och ger mig kraft in i det arbete som kommer att avgöra EUs framtid. Nu ska jag sova i tre timmar därefter väntar en dag fylld av intervjuer i radio och teve samt en hel del strategiarbeten som drar igång direkt. Sist men inte minst till alla mina partivänner från norr till söder som ideellt och engagerat kämpat dygnet runt under de senaste veckorna:. . – Jag är så oerhört glad för att ni finns. Så imponerad av det ni lyckats med och så stolt över att få vara en av oss. ❤️.

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Herzberger-Fofana, MEP German Green Party

Dr. Pierrette Gabrielle Herzberger-Fofana
Dr. Pierrette Gabrielle Herzberger-Fofana , MEP Germany

Dr. Pierrette Herzberger-Fofana, a member of the Green Party, has been elected into the European Parliament. The politician, who is originally from Senegal, was one of the 21 Green candidates elected from Germany at the elections on Sunday. With her election, she has become the first German member of the parliament with African origin.

Announcing her victory on her Facebook page on Tuesday, Ms Herzberger-Fofana (70) thanked those who voted for her party, saying “with their voice, they gave us their trust and set a clear signal: they want a policy that fights for climate protection, which promotes cohesion in Europe.. and stops populists and racists.”

“Thank you for the wonderful support from the different migrant communities and organizations, Afro-German associations to the many individuals,” she added.

Herzberger-Fofana was born in Bamako, Mali, on 20 March 1949 to Senegalese parents and grew up in Senegal. She studied German sociolinguistics in Paris and obtained a further degree at the University of Trier. She earned her doctorate at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg with a dissertation on women’s literature in francophone sub-Saharan Africa.

Read the full story.

Samira Rafaela, Netherlands D66 Party, MEP

Ms Rafaela is the first woman of Afro-Caribbean descent to win a seat in the European Parliament (EP).

The D66 candidate with Curaçaolenean roots is one of three female candidates from the Netherlands who received so many preference votes during the EP elections on May 23 that they still get to occupy a seat in Brussels.

  “It is important that the people from the Dutch Caribbean see themselves as part of the European family. They have just as many rights as all other European Union citizens to take part in Europe,” she said.

Cecile Kyenge Kashetu, Former MEP Italy: The Pioneer We Lost from the EU Parliament

UPDATE: Here are the links to the subsequent posts I made for sisters I unintentionally omitted here.
Assista Kanko – Belgium

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  1. […] How did I miss that Power Lister Assita Kanko was elected to the European Parliament when I wrote this post? […]

  2. […] So happy to celebrate another sister that was elected to the European Parliament this year! I unintentionally omitted her in this post. […]

  3. […] She is one of the black women who won elections in Europe this year. I neglected to include her in this post. […]

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