
Race and Resistance Across Borders in the Long Twentieth Century

Following the BME’s staff network’s Black History Month Lecture ‘Destablising Identities at Home: Racialisation and
Intersectionality in a Brexit – Windrush Landscape’ on Tuesday 23 October, this is an opportunity to discuss the issues that were raised. The discussion will be facilitated by Dr. Victoria Showumni, Senior Lecturer at Institute of Education, UCL.


The lecture this year, by Professor Ann Phoenix of the Institute of Education, UCL is entitled ‘Destabilising Identities at Home: Racialisation and Intersectionality in a Brexit-Windrush Landscape’. The BME lecture is fully booked but will be recorded for those who didn’t get a chance to attend. Our Race and Resistance follow-up discussion, which will be taking place in the Colin Matthew room at the Radcliffe Humanities Building (OX2 6GG) at 12.45 is open to anyone, even if you were unable to attend the lecture. It will be an open discussion facilitated by Dr. Victoria Showumni from the Institute of Education, UCL. Please come and join us to share your views.

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