
Photo by Photo Agency

Sandy Cane, of African American decent, has been elected the first Black mayor in Italy in Viggin.

A black woman backed by the anti-immigrant Northern League has been elected mayor of the small Italian town of Viggiu close to the Swiss border. Sandy Cane, elected in local elections held across Italy at the weekend, won by a slim margin of only 38 votes.

The 48-year-old mayor will govern the town and surrounding district of Valceresio, on the border of Varesotto and the Swiss canton of Ticino.

The daughter of an American soldier and a woman from Viggiu who emigrated to northern France, Cane was born in Springfield in the US state of Massachusetts.

She told Adnkronos that the Northern League had “welcomed her warmly” and that she “was in love with Viggiu”.


Sandy Cane vidoe

“I want to think about the elderly and the young,” she said. She regarded as a “joke” suggestions by the Northern League secretary in Milan, Matteo Salvini, that the city should segregate train passengers by race.

Read more at The Independent.

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  1. Thanks for sharing this. Linking it at Color Online so more readers will read this news.

  2. Thanks for sharing this. Linking it at Color Online so more readers will read this news.

  3. You are welcome, and thanks for the cross post!

  4. Wow I think this is a great story. Now I want to learn more about her Anti-Immigrant stance. Thank you for sharing

  5. You’re welcome.

  6. Bridgette M. Driver

    great job.

  7. Bridgette M. Driver

    I will be the next Black Italian Actress

  8. Thanks Bridgette! Are you in Italy? We’d love to interview you. Contact

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