From England

Diane Corriette
Diane Corriette helps business owners and professionals use the internet to bring in more visitors, leads and business. If you are an entrepreneur looking to build a persona online that will bring in work for you or a local business who wants to use online marketing to attract customers call her on +44208 242 4339 or via Skype at She is a regular speaker at events and seminars, as well as online webinars and shows. Runs training workshops in online marketing in London and offers a 45 minute coaching session for anyone wondering if the internet is for them. Visit

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  1. Thanks for the great tip. Very much appreciated!

  2. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Yamile Yemoonyah, BWIE™. BWIE™ said: Sisters sharing knowlege – How to add your Facebook Page on to your Facebook Profile: From England Diane Corriet… […]

  3. Be on the look out for more tips here from Diane.

  4. Be on the look out for other tips from Diane.

  5. No problem Yemoonyah. If there is anything in particular you need to know just let me know and I will add it. I prefer to provide content people want rather than what I think they do!

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