Claudia Unterweger
Claudia Unterweger

Claudia Unterweger moderated the “Combined workshops disucssion on overlapping methods and strategies” workshop at the 1st Black European Women’s Congress in Vienna. She is a member of Pamoja, the Movement of the Young African Diaspora in Austria. She hosts the Connected radio show on FM4 Austria and is also a member of the Black Austrian History research group.

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  1. Hej Sis,
    Good on you for the originaaal content.

    BTW, I thought you might find Queendom, an all black woman theater group in Norway of interest. There’s even an all black theater there – they do a sort of cruise ship!

    check out:

    Lastly, forgot to tell you about Cinema Africa (in Stockholm)which shows African movies (and some African American themed films I think…).

    Well, perhaps you and your readers who may be in Sweden or traveling there will find this of interest.

    Take care and be well,

  2. Black Women in Europe

    Thanks for the information Shola! I live in Sweden and am definitely happy to learn about Cinema Africa.

  3. You can catch a cheap ticket to Norway on SL from Central Station in Stockholm – Just walk downstairs. Check out the upcoming African festival if you are in town….

    All the best…

  4. Black Women in Europe

    Shola, I appreciate the travel tip too.

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