A lot has been going on since we met in Vienna last year.

Each woman was charged with doing whatever she could in her country. For my part I promised to spread the word. My efforts can be found here.

Leah in Sweden has organized a group of sisters and held meetings to draft proposals from the Black Woman in Sweden’s point of view. She is happy to report that Sweden seems to be ahead of the curve in promoting equal rights and access to Black Women.

The first strategic meeting of BEWNET (Black European Women’s Network) took place in Vienna from 13-14 March 2008. One of the outcomes was the unanimous decision by all present at the strategic meeting to change the name of our network from Black European Women’s Network to “Black European Women’s Council” for strategic reasons.

The next steps shall be to register BEWC as an international association under the Belgian Law.

The next date you should already mark on your calender is *September 9th 2008* for the official launching of BEWC in the European Parliament in Brussels. It would be great to have as many Black Women as possible present at this historical event.

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  1. great job sisters. i am enjoying watching your progress from the other side of the pond.

  2. Black Women in Europe

    Thanks for your support muslimahlocs.

    I’ll be sure to post all updates here.

    I’m looking forward to going to Brussels in September!

  3. Wow Adrianne, I’m very impressed with what all of you in the BWIE network have achieved in such a short period of time since your meeting in Wien. If I understand correctly, the Black European Women’s Congress will have official recognition by the European Parliament? Does this mean that the organization will be operating an office in Brussels and interacting with European MEP’s and their staff on a regular basis? If so, that would be historic.

  4. Black Women in Europe

    Bill, we’re going for history here.

    Yes the BEWC will recieve official recognition from the Eureopean Parliament in September and yes it will have an operating office in Brussels!

  5. Blackgirl On Mars

    This truly is historic and I look forward to receiving my invite! Thanks for all the work that has led up to this and I look forward to being an integral part of it’s continued growth.
    I am very happy about all this.
    Warm Regards,

  6. Black Women in Europe

    I do hope you’ll come Lesley! I missed not meeting you in Vienna last year. I remember you were doing something with the Diaspora in Copenhagen. Anyway, on to Brussels!

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