The Hunger Site

Soaring food and oil costs have hit the less fortunate harder than ever. While there have always been hungry children, women and men, the situation has reached a crisis point in many parts of the world.

The Hunger Site

The head of the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) called for urgent action to tackle the ???silent tsunami??? of rising food prices which threatens to push more than 100 million people worldwide into hunger. ???This is the new face of hunger ??? the millions of people who were not in the urgent hunger category six months ago but now are,??? said WFP Executive Director Josette Sheeran.

The Hunger Site

The World Bank and the UN are mobilizing a global drive to meet the food price crisis that threatens to plunge millions more poor people into hunger. The urgent first step is raising US$755 million in emergency aid for the UN’s World Food Programme (WFP), World Bank President Robert B. Zoellick said following a meeting with the heads of 26 UN-related agencies in Berne, Switzerland, convened by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

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The Hunger Site

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  1. There seems to always be urgent need for food relief. Why is that? One has to look at what is happening. The Western countries and their multinationals and their organizations the WTO, The World Bank, and the IMF are responsible. They have destroyed the economies of the developing world. One woman who has sounded the alarm for years is Indian Vandana Shiva.

    You can find more by her on youtube or google video. There is also a lecture you can find on BBC in the series called “The Reith Lectures”.

  2. Black Women in Europe

    I saw a disturbing documentary on how Jamaica’s economy was destroyed by one world organization forbidding them from growing a certain crop. The details are hazy in my mind, but the results were devastating.

  3. Black Women in Europe

    The name of the documentary is “Life and Debt” and it is on again now on Swedish TV:

    Jamaikansk dokument??r fr??n 2003. Det ??r en plats som m??nga turister ser som sin paradissemester. “Liv och skuld” lyfter p?? Jamaicas sl??ja och dess sk??na briser och l??nga vackra str??nder ser pl??tsligt inte lika ??vertygande ut. Jamaica, som m??nga andra l??nder i tredje v??rlden, sitter fast i den globaliserade kulturen och samh??llet kommer i kl??m. “Liv och skuld” tar dig med bakom kulisserna p?? den vackra ytan som pryder turistorterna, hotellen och str??nderna till ett land som h??nger p?? en sk??r tr??d.

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