Buy Diamonds Wisely: How to Make the Right Choice?

Diamonds symbolize the high status of the owner. Moreover, they are a reliable investment, as well as the frankest expression of feelings. The acquisition of this gemstone requires not only funds and experience, but also time. Our shop will help you optimize the search process and proceed with the right option. In the jewelry industry, this precious stone is valued at the highest level. The reason is that diamonds obtain incredible properties of light changes, form flashes, and shimmers in different shades. On the market, you can find a wide range of different products, the prices of which vary in huge diapason. We want to help you with choosing the right diamonds to avoid mistakes and dishonest sellers. 


No matter what the appearance, shape, purity, and color shades affect the diamond, the weight of the stone will be a decisive aspect in determining the value. The large diamonds are usually evaluated by their clarity and color, and small stones are valued primarily by weight. This criterion is based on carat measurements, with an increase in which the cost of diamonds can grow exponentially.

What Carat Weight You Better to Choose?

Diamonds weighing in the range from 0.5 to 4 carats are considered the most popular. When choosing the right weight, you need to pay attention to the size of the finger, product model, and budget. If large carat weight is an important feature, but the budget is limited, you should focus on diamonds of 6-7 purity groups in 6-7 colors for stones from 0.3 carats.

Where to Buy Quality Diamonds Without Risk?

The answer is unequivocal – in jewelry stores that have a good reputation and significant experience in the market. The leadership of a large trading company Bergen County Gold and Diamonds, which is focused on long-term business development, and will not deliberately deceive customers. Besides, if you want to trade or sell gold paterson nj we will gladly assist you in our shop. If there is a remark on quality after the purchase of diamonds, you can always contact our expert.

Which diamonds are better to never buy – those that are not accompanied by documents and offered privately. This scheme is very convenient for scammers selling fake gems. Also, be careful when buying jewelry masters at all kinds of exhibitions and fairs. After you pay the money, making a claim will most likely be pointless.

Who Issues Certificates?

Obligatory certification is subject to processed diamonds that go on sale on their own. Regarding earrings or rings and other items that have a gem inserted, there is no such requirement. But if the seller assures the presence of such an expert opinion and is ready to demonstrate it – this is a good sign. In this case, confidence in the product justifiably increases.


If you don’t know how to choose a diamond wisely by its color and clarity, or you cannot determine its quality by eye, then a diamond certificate will be a useful assistant for you. It contains information about the origin, color group, condition, size, and other identifying characteristics. Buy competently and fully enjoy the flawless diamonds in your  jewelry.


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