How did I miss that Power Lister Assita Kanko was elected to the European Parliament when I wrote this post?

She is part of the European Conservatives and Reformists Group party. When I first introduced readers to Ms Kanko, she was a political representative for the people in Ixelles, a multi cultural hub in Brussels and quite French speaking.

Since then her position has shifted in what can at times be a very divided Belgium along language lines. As she puts it:

A few months ago I was asked why from a French-speaking party to a Flemish-nationalist party.  When I arrived here [from Burkino Faso], nobody asked me if I wanted to be French or Flemish. 

I also knew very little about Flanders. I had misconceptions about it through French-speaking media: the Flemish would not like other people and might be racist. 

I learned to know Flanders myself, and I started to love the Flemish people. So I have now chosen to become a Brussels Flemish politician and nowhere else than at the N-VA

Assita Kanko, MEP Belgiuim

According to her Twitter account Ms Kanko is a self described Member of European Parliament and Women rights advocate. She sits on the following committees in Brussels: Civil Liberties, Justice & Home Affairs/ Foreign Affairs/ US delegation. She will always be an author and remains a columnist.

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  1. […] Here are the links to the subsequent posts I made for sisters I unintentionally omitted here.Assista Kanko – […]

  2. What is the email address and phone number for Assita Kanko from European Parliament for contact and important questions ??
    my e- mail

  3. B.W.I.E (™)

    Click on the link in this post. It takes you to her European Parliament page. Her contact information is there.

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