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Black Women Bloggers in Europe Series – England 3 – Ola’s World

Ola’s World

Ola's World

I am not a professional travel editor, journalist or writer; I am like you, a woman who is passionate about travel and travelling. I was bitten by the travel-bug at the age of ten on my first real trip away from home – the Isle of White. Although a long way from that girl of ten, travel (U.K. & abroad) has very much shaped who I am as well as provided the inspiration for Diverse Traveller.

For many years, I have shared my travel experiences with friends and family, plus strangers met while waiting for a bus or a train; so many different women – diverse backgrounds with diverse experiences. Sharing travel experiences is a real ice-breaker, in fact I have made many a good friend this way.

I was having so much fun sharing my passion for travel with so many wonderful women, that I wanted to encourage others to do the same. The result – Diverse Traveller.

Link to Diverse Traveller

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