black UK

In the UK: Supporting Women’s Enterprise for Economic Growth: A Baseline Report for the North West of England

Hat tip: Sista Talk

I would like to share with you a newly published report entitled “Supporting Women’s Enterprise for Economic Growth: A Baseline Report for the North West of England” which has been produced as part of the NW Women’s Enterprise Forum Legacy. To access the report and executive summary click on the link below:

This report supports the socio-economic argument for strategically supporting women’s enterprise, setting out the economic imperative for supporting and developing women’s enterprise. It is estimated that women-led small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs) contribute approximately £50 billion to the UK economy and the latest UK data indicates that “an increase in the number of majority women-led businesses by 100,000 would lead to an additional £7 billion annual output in the economy”.

The aim of the report is to provide an evidential baseline drawing on recent regional data and research to help inform the development of emerging enterprise frameworks to ensure that future business support is fit for purpose and continues to encourage and support women in business. The report also provides a brief overview of the main activities undertaken during the life of the Business Forums project

If you have any questions about the report please do not hesitate to contact me.

Many thanks and all the best for 2011

Jo Cocker
Women’s Enterprise Development Manager
T: +44 (0) 1925 400571

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