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Black Youth Achievements will host a Careers Event Day in London

Black Youth Achievements

Black Youth Achievements will be hosting their Careers Event Day on Thursday 22nd July, 11am – 5pm at Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton.

The objective of this event is to broaden the horizons, mind-set and opportunities for young people by having a wide variety of organisations, small businesses and training providers on hand to talk about various careers and the paths one might need to take to get there.

During the day, there will be workshops on CV writing, confidence building, interview techniques and communication.This is a free event aimed at 8 – 25 year olds. We are encouraging parents / carers to attend to aid the decision making process for their child when it comes to their futures.

If you are a business and would like to get involved then please email us at:- ‘’ subject title ‘Careers Day’

You would have a stall at the event free of charge, where you would be expected to talk about your business / organisation / training programme with young people from all different backgrounds, giving them realistic advice and information.

You would be featured in the marketing material and on our website, giving you free publicity pre and post event.

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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by BWIE™, BWIE™. BWIE™ said: Black Youth Achievements will host a Careers Event Day in London: Black Youth Achievements will be hosting their C… […]

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