You are invited to submit a paper proposal for a forthcoming QMSS Seminar entitled “Power, Decision-Making and Social Networks” which will be held at University College Dublin on 25th -27th August 2010.

This seminar is organised jointly by Diane Payne (University College, Dublin) and Christofer Edling (Jacobs University, Germany) as part of the European Science Foundation’s network programme to support research in quantitative social sciences (QMSS2).

The QMSS Seminar will comprise of four consecutive sessions:

Session 1: Social Movements and Collective Action
Session 2: Networks and Governance
Session 3: Context and Structure in Social Interaction
Session 4: Organisations, Corporate Networks and Power.

Each session will comprise a keynote presentation from a leading international expert in the field and five other invited paper presentations.

Paper proposals should be sent, by no later than 18th June 2010, to the organisers and .

The paper proposal should have a title, an abstract not exceeding 500 words and the coordinates of the applicant. The proposal should cover main hypotheses, data, methodology and expected conclusions.

All successful applicants will receive full travel and accommodation expenses for the duration of the QMSS seminar.

For more information, please see the QMSS website

Please distribute this CALL FOR PAPERS to interested colleagues and especially early-stage researchers, including PhD and Post-Doc stage.

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