I must say that the support from my brothers of the Vienna Declaration has moved me. Villager, Asabanga, and AAPP have all given their support. Here’s a note from Eddie:

Adrianne, I wish to do more than congratulate the Black European Women Congress. Your recommendations to the European Union are powerful and revolutionary. I am also proud of the span of the sisters’ network overseas.  Although we are separated geographically, we have another powerful voice in the international arena, and that gives us more power, collectively.

In the past, when we found it impossible to break the silence of the US media, we took our stories overseas and sisters and brothers took up our cause and published our stories in the European media. When we engaged in phone-in campaigns, it was the phone calls from our European brothers and sisters that had the greatest impact.

When we finalize our ties with Africa, South and Central America, and the isles, we will have come full circle with the African Diaspora. We will no longer need white intermediaries to convey for us what we can communicate amongst ourselves.

More power to the Black European Women Congress. I look forward to the day when we will speak with one voice from around the globe.

Eddie Griffin

And here’s what the African American Political Pundit said so concisely:

Go Black European Women’s Congress, I love it! Powerful work coming out of of Europe.

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