???Bryant had a foot in so many different worlds,??? said the Rev. Clifton Kirkpatrick, the stated clerk of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)???s General Assembly. ???He was a leader in the civil rights movement. He was a leader in international affairs. He was a leader in the Ford Foundation, but was always first and foremost a pastor and a leader in the church. His passion in all of those was justice and human rights.???
Read more about why we mourn our loss.

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  1. I’m sorry to hear about your loss, Adrianne. Your uncle seems to have lived a very full life, and been a blessing and inspiration to those who crossed his path!

  2. Francis L. Holland Blog

    I’m sorry for your loss. Your uncle was an impressive man who led a profoundly significant life.

    I like your blog and I hope you will join the AfroSpear Movement, which is an international movement of Black blogs who share links, information, support and our political commitment to the advancement of Black people throughout the Diaspora.

  3. Black Woman in Europe

    Thanks Francis. He will be sorely missed.

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