For the first time in French history, the cabinet includes almost as many women as men. Seven of the 15 ministers are women, among them Rachida Dati, a young lawyer and the daughter of North African immigrants, who will head the Justice Ministry.

Commentators said that Sarkozy, the son of an Hungarian immigrant, had made an important move in appointing Dati to the Justice Ministry.

“This is not an Arab in charge of Arabs, it’s a woman of North African descent running one of the most important ministries in the government,” said Yves Michaud, a French philosopher.


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  1. I am thrilled to have found your site. I am an african girl living in Paris for a while so you are linked!!

  2. Black Woman in Europe

    Nice to find you too! Merci.

  3. Francis L. Holland Blog

    @aulelia: I’m an African-American man and I lived in Nice, France, for three years. In fact, I’m really interested in having a multilingual blog, so if you would like to write something in French (or English about living in France, I’d love to “print” it.

    @Adrianne: It is GOOD to to see you in the Afrosphere! I’m very excited to have the Afrosphere diaspora move from the theory of encompassing the geographic and linguistic and cultural reach of our people to the actuality.

  4. Black Woman in Europe

    Hej Francis! I am very glad to bear a part of the Afro Spear community 😉

  5. Rachida Dati isn’t black, nor are North Africans in general.

  6. Black Women in Europe


    The Black Women in Europe blog is a place to celebrate women of the African Diaspora living in Europe.

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