Carol Campbell was born 27 May 1966 in Munich, Germany, and is an Afro-German actress, model and presenter.

She is the daughter of a Black Jazz musician from New York and a German casting agent and make-up artist. She studied acting, dance, singing and presenting in Berlin (where she moved to at the age of five) and Los Angeles. Today she lives in both cities.

After her debut at the Deutsche Oper Berlin (Tanztheater) in 1985, she moved 1987 to Paris and worked until 1989 as solo dancer at the Lido and 1990 at the Moulin Rouge, Meneuse de Revue. Campbell is very tall at 6’2 (1.88 m).

Her TV work started as presenter with the German television stations VOX (Avanti Magazin), Premiere (Airplay LiveKonzerte, Spezials), VIVA (Chartshow), RTL II (RHS Gold Musikshow) and ZDF (Big-Bubbles Musikmagazin). She appeared in guest roles in numerous TV series like Vater wider Willen (together with Christian Quadflieg und Suzanne von Borsody), Tatort and Der Pfundskerl, as well as in the leading role in TV plays like Julia – K??mpfe f??r deine Tr??ume! and Du oder keine.

Campbell worked also in various presenting roles at Daimler Chrysler, Siemens, Adidas, Hugo Boss, IBM, Debis and CeBit corporate events and as media training coach.

She is a member of the Deutsche Filmakademie and founder member of SFD – Schwarze Filmschaffende in Deutschland (Black Artists in German Film). She is also the 1. Chairperson of SFD.

In 2007 Campbell was trained as creative producer for films and television at the Institute for Drama, Film- and Television Professions (iSFF) in Berlin.

Acting credits include:

Nachtschicht – Blutige Stadt (2007)
Nachtschicht – Ich habe Angst (2007)
F??nf Sterne (season 2, episode 31) (2007)
SK K??lsch – Dunkle Gesch??fte (2006)
Miss Texas (2005)
Sabine!! – Gef??hrliche Liebschaften (2005)
Schlosshotel Orth – Konsequenzen (2004)
Sabine!! – Drei Engel f??r Johnny (2004)
Tatort – Die Liebe und ihr Preis (2003)
Die Hinterb??nkler – Die Homestory (2002)
Im Visier der Zielfahnder – Die Falle (2002)
Edel & Starck Series (2002 – 2004) as Dr. Schn??ll
Denninger – Der Mann mit den zwei Gesichtern (2001)
Du oder keine (2001)
Drehkreuz Airport Series (2001) as Nicole Weber
Der Pfundskerl Series (1999 – 2004) as Tanja Roloff
Der Runner (2000)
Wolffs Revier aka Wolff’s Turf (International: English title) – Yankee-Bomber (2000)
Denninger (1999)
Prosit Neujahr (1999)
Zielfahnder (1999)
Alarm f??r Cobra 11 – Die Autobahnpolizei – Ein einsamer Sieg (1999)
Herzflimmern (1998)
Tatort – Engelchen flieg (1998)
Julia – K??mpfe f??r deine Tr??ume! (1998)
SOKO 5113 – Killing (1998)
Betrogen – Eine Ehe am Ende aka Betrogen – Ich hasse meinen Mann (Germany) (1997)
Tatort – Tod im All (1997)
Polizeiruf 110 – Lauf oder stirb (1996)
Die Unzertrennlichen (1996)
Vater wider Willen Series (1995)
Tatort – Die Kampagne (1995)
Brennende Herzen (1995)
Der K??nig (1995)
Lemgo (1994)
Die Partner (1994)
Liebe ist Privatsache Series (1993)

Karls Weihnachten aka Karl’s Christmas Short film (2006) as angel Sarah
City of Fear (2001)
Jedermanns Fest (2000)
Fandango aka Fandango – Members Only (1998)
Drei M??dels von der Tankstelle aka Babes’ Petrol (USA) (1996)

She sings too:
Du vertust deine Zeit
Prayer – Lass mich bei dir sein


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