An African American expat in Greece designed the Baracko coin to celebrate Obama’s historic US Presidential victory. Now you can celebrate his first year in office with your own Baracko coin.

baracko offer

Black Women in Europe website visitors and social network members get a 10% discount. Get your limited edition today.

Here is me in my Baracko! I gave my parents and sister the coins and am going for more medallions.

Me and my Baracko 2

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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by BWIE, BWIE. BWIE said: Celebrate Obama’s 1st Year in Office With a Baracko Coin: An African American expat in Greece designed the Barack… […]

  2. That is really nice.

  3. That is very cool. I will check it out. Thanks.

  4. You’re welcome!

  5. […] On A Hot Tin Roof All Black Cast in LondonBWIE on Stop Taser Torture, Blogging for JusticeBWIE on Celebrate Obama’s 1st Year in Office With a Baracko Coinbathmateus on Celebrate Obama’s 1st Year in Office With a Baracko […]

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