Self Love

December 2023 Black Women in Europe®Newsletter – Holiday Help Edition

5 Day 5 Minutes Self Care Challenge
Self-care Challenge, Tips for Managing Grief During the Holidays,
and Grieving with Grace Yoga Workshops.
Let’s face it, we don’t always put ourselves first.

And if we’re mourning the loss of a loved one who won’t be with us during the holidays, Self-care may be the last thing on your list. Let’s flip that by filling our cups, so we can continue to be there for those we love.

Take 5 Minutes a day for 5 Days to up your self-care game or
start the one you don’t have

Sign up here and share with other sisters you know who need this.

Share the love ❤️‍🔥.

Our Yoga Saved Me Podcast is sharing daily
Tips for Managing Grief During the Holidays.

Listen here.

If you love, you’ll experience grief. It can be debilitating.

Embark on a transformative journey with me as I unveil something deeply personal and close to my heart, set to launch on January 6, 2024. This offering stems from my own profound grief experience following the loss of my beloved father in 2021 – a journey that has led me to a place of healing and growth.

Have you ever found yourself grappling with the heavy weight of grief?

The emotions that accompany loss – deep sorrow, anger, frustration, guilt, anxiety, and more – can be overwhelming. But what if I told you that there’s a way to not just navigate these emotions but to transform them into a source of strength, resilience, and personal growth?

In the wake of my father’s passing, I encountered a myriad of emotions that manifested physically through elevated blood pressure, a persistent rash and even hair-pulling.

Through the practice of yoga, I discovered a lifeline that not only helped me manage my grief but enabled me to undergo a profound transformation.

Now, I invite you to join me on a journey of healing and self-discovery through the “Grieve with Grace” introductory workshops, scheduled every Saturday in January 2024. Get more information here.

If you’d like to receive weekly mentoring support sign up here. The first thing you’ll receive is a Yin Yoga video practice I use to manage grief.

Domestic violence is everywhere.

Regardless of where you live, if you’re reading the is you may be able to help support women’s and girls’ shelters in Sweden through the social action project I’ve just launched. Choose between financial support if you’re a Swedish president, or donating hygiene items via our Amazon list to be delivered directly to the shelter.

Feel free to share the link to the information page.

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and share it on your social media.

Thank you!

Live in Europe and use Facebook?

Join our private group from this link.

Fund a mammogram for a sister in the US for free. It literally takes the click of your mouse to fund a mammogram for a woman in the US. If you’re in Sweden like me the letter comes to you in the mail when it’s time to have your mammogram. No out-of-pocket cost. Just go. Give the gift of peace of mind to a sister in the US by simply clicking through to fund a mammogram. See how the clicks have added up over the years.

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