black UK

Lillian Ricketts-Hagan is the CEO of African Women???s Enterprise Group in the UK

Lillian is the CEO of African Women???s Enterprise Group in the UK. She says, ???Since inception, we have worked tirelessly to promote women???s economic and social empowerment that transforms into economic independence, greater control of resources and increased bargaining power in the household.
It is our belief that gender equality and the empowerment of women are among the most important driving forces behind economic growth, elimination of poverty and the upholding of human rights. It goes without saying that the face of poverty is disproportionately female, who are disempowered in terms of their control over external resources. In consequence, they tend to be at the bottom of highly unequal labour markets, or are entirely marginalized from mainstream economic processes???.
Read her full message and learn more about the African Women???s Enterprise Group.

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  1. Donald Tucker


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