On the 30th Anniversary of the Tjejmilen, I decided to participate. It is the biggest sporting event for women in Sweden.

Ready to walk
Ready to walk.

I signed up in the walking category so we were the last two groups to start the race.

Her canine babies.
Her canine babies.

This was the category for women with baby strollers, walking sticks, and newbies like me.

Me and Germaine.

I walked up on Germaine, we hugged, took a photo and I kept on moving. She was in a zone.

My Swede popped up to take my pic.
My Swede popped up to take my pic.

This may be around the 3 km mark, in the park and just by the restaurant where we took my mother on her most recent visit. So I thought of her as I walked by.

Beautiful course.
Beautiful course.

We walked a beautiful 10k course that took us through some of Stockholm’s prettiest paths.

My and my bottle.
My and my bottle.

One bottle of water lasted me the entire time. I only needed half of it. I did consumer half of a banana and a small power bar too. I got hungry.

Some of the dozens of volunteers.
Some of the dozens of volunteers.

Of course there were water stations along the route. Toilets too and at one point, we could take an energy tablet, that was chewable, from the hands of the dozens and dozens of volunteers.

Some of the live entertainment on the course.
Some of the live entertainment on the course.

My Swede described the event as a follkfest. There was live music at different stages along the course. How fun!

The second spot where my Swede popped up.
The second spot where my Swede popped up.

My Swede had the course map so I never knew where he may pop up. Can you imagine how much fun it was for him to surprise me?

Yay! I did it.
Yay! I did it.

What a great feeling to cross the finish line, pick up a medal and celebrate. And I didn’t event break a sweat. How cool is that? Ha ha!

My Swede had a congratulatory rose for me.
My Swede had a congratulatory rose for me.

I got the medal, the rose, and the Swede. It was a good, no GREAT day.

Tjejmilen journey
Tjejmilen journey with my time.

Nice things happen to me in Sweden.

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1 Comment

  1. […] participated in the Fun Run in 2013, 2015 and again this […]

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