F??rglada, meriterade och folkk??ra tog vi dem i v??ra hj??rtan.

Colorful, well known and loved by their audience we took them to our hearts.

If??rda glittriga kl??nningar vann denna glamour??sa grupp Melodifestivalen 2002 med “Never Let It Go”, den f??rsta engelskspr??kiga vinnaren i den svenska finalen. Kl??derna kom att skapa ett nytt ord p?? de svenska l??psedlarna; “Nakenchock”.

In glittering robes the glamourous group won the Swedish song contest 2002 with ???Never let it go???, the first English spoken song to win the Swedish song contest final. The clothes created the word nudity shock on the Swedish headlines.

Under v??ren samma ??r s??lde singeln platina och var d?? ??ven den b??sta s??ljande singeln i Sverige. I Eurovision Song Contest i Tallinn var de storfavoriter, men kom bara p?? ??ttonde plats. Ett album har hittills sl??ppts, “Never Let It Go”, som n??dde h??gt p?? f??rs??ljningslistan i Sverige. Fr??n albumet har gruppen ??ven sl??ppt singlarna “Rivers Of Joy” och “Turn It Up”.

That same spring the single sold to platinum status and was the best selling single in Sweden. In the Eurovision song contest in Tallin they were favorites, but only became number 8. So far one album has been released, ???Never let it go??? wich sold very well in Sweden. From that album they also released the singles ???Rivers of Joy??? and ???turn it up???.

Afro-Dites medlemmar members ??r Kayo Shekoni, Blossom Tainton-Lindquist och Gladys
del Pilar. Alla tre hade framg??ngsrika solokarri??rer innan de bildade gruppen.

All three of them had successful solo careers before they formed the group.

2003 var Afro-Dite ??terigen sugna p?? att representera Sverige i ESC och st??llde upp i Melodifestivalen med l??ten “Aqua Playa”. Gruppen gick till final i Globen, men slutade d??r p?? sjunde plats. Ganska snart efter detta nederlag valde gruppmedlemmarna att arbeta mer skilda. Blossom blev programledare p?? TV och Gladys gjorde ett solof??rs??k i 2004 ??rs Melodifestival med “Baby, I Can’t Stop”.

2003 AfroDite again wanted to represent Sweden in the ESC and entered the song contest with the song ???Aqua Playa???. They made it to the Swedish final but ended as number 7. Soon thereafter this defeat they returned to their solocareers. Blossom became a TV hostess and Gladys made another attempt to win the Swedish song contest with ???Baby I cant stop???.

2005 var Kayo programledare f??r en av delfinalerna Melodifestivalen och i samma program stod hon tillsammans med Blossom och Gladys ??ter p?? scenen som pausunderh??llning.

2005 Kayo hosted one of the Swedish semi-finals and during that show the group sang their songs during the breaks.


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  1. catalunya.ffw

    New map of the world after the Euro-African summit.


    Check it out!


  2. Black Women in Europe

    Very interesting map.

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