My name is Rachael Hampton. I am a Artistic Directeur / Graphic Designer / Photographer / Designer , of American nationality. I move to france in 1999. Started my own Graphic Design Studio in 2003

I think outside the box and I don???t follow trends nor seasons. I???m more of a right here right now person, who creates on every medium wheather it’s paper, website or fabric. People are my muse. I am inspired by people all around me. In the street & my friends by there Creative, Stylish & Sophisticated individuality.

Creating & designing is my passion plus I love handbag, so in 2006 I created and started Rajul Paris.

Each handbag that I make is a Namesake. Named after a real person who inspired me.

” For me, I consider my Brands Rajul Paris doesn???t follow trends we create them.??? ??? Rachael Hampton

Rajul in Hindu – South India it means Full of love

Find out what the press is saying, and grab her bags here.

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  1. Thank you for the post I look foward to communicating with you in the future.

    ?? bient??t

  2. Black Women in Europe

    You’re welcome. I think the Rajul Paris bags are fab! Looking forward to putting on in my collection.

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