Brother Eddie in Texas tells it better than I ever could:

Jena Prosecutor Breaches Stratosphere of Irrationality

by Eddie Griffin

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The Star-Telegram caption reads: ???Another charge reduced in ‘Jena 6’ case??? (09/11/07). It appears that LaSalle Parish, Louisiana is rapidly gaining becoming the Idiot Capitol of America.

Think about it. It is not enough to charge six African-American high school youths with ???attempted second degree murder??? for a school yard fight, but to reduce the charges to ???aggravate battery and conspiracy to commit aggravated battery??? is proof positive that District Attorney Reed Walters is out of his mind if he thinks that he can mix and match contrived criminal charges to his own likings.

If ???attempted second degree murder??? don???t fly and he can???t try the kids as adults and give each of them up to 50 years, then Walters simply does the next best stupid thing: Charge them with ???aggravated battery and conspiracy??? and give them up to 15 years. Read on here.

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1 Comment

  1. Black Woman in Europe

    Since there is an estimated 50,000 people going to Jena, people might need to check out the logistics plan and schedule of events at

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