For Immediate Release

The Afro European Sisters Network and Black Women in Europe websites team up to empower Black Women around the world with a new website and social network.

1 November 2007 (Rotterdam, Netherlands, Halmstad, Sweden) The Afro European Sisters Network founded by Sandra Rafaela has joined forces with the Black Women in Europe social network and award winning blog authored by Adrianne George to launch the Women in the African Diaspora social network and the AESN/BWIE website.

Ms. Rafaela has an Afro Caribbean and European background and lives in the Netherlands. Ms. George is an African American expatriate living in Sweden. Both women are passionate about creating Internet spaces to elevate the social status of black women around the world regardless of geographical location. The tools Sandra and Adrianne will use include their websites, blogs, social networks, and video chats and conferences via ooVoo.

Their combined Internet arsenal includes the Afro European Sisters Network (AESN) websites, blog, Squidoo lenses, MySpace page; the Black Women in Europe(BWIE) award winning blog , Squidoo lens, Facebook group, social network ; and the Women in the African Diaspora (WAD) social network.

The results of this collaboration include the increased visibility of black women on the Internet; providing a strong and positive voice for black women in Europe; facilitating the exchange of experiences to empower black women globally; and providing resources and social networks for black women.

Black Women across the globe are invited to participate in the building of this global project and should visit the sites in the AESN and BWIE network to find out more.

Sandra Rafaela ??? sandra (at)
Adrianne George ??? (at)

About Sandra
Sandra Rafaela is the founder of the Afro European Sisters Network. She has created spaces for black women including her website, blog, on MySpace and Squidoo. She is an Afro European from Curacao and the Netherlands. As a professional woman, she has an accomplished career in logistics.

About Adrianne

Adrianne George is the founder of the Black Women in Europe award winning blog and Social Network, Facebook group, and a space on Squidoo. She contributes to several blogs and is one of the editors of the AfroSpear Think Tank blog. She is an African American who has lived in Europe for 5 years and currently lives in Sweden. She is a marketing communications consultant.


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