Do Black Women Need To Leave The UK To Be Successful?

by Ronke Lawal

In April 2014 I was quoted in Pride Magazine (not a cover girl yet but I’m working on it) “Do Black Women Have To Leave The UK To Be Successful?”
Unfortunately I cannot find a link to the full article online but here is an image from the print version. The piece looks at the high number of black women who leave the UK for overseas, in particular The USA to find success.

In the piece I was quite adamant that black women should really be focusing on their countries of origin for love and support, with so many opportunities across Africa and The Caribbean I could see why I said it. Whilst I still think, as members of the Diaspora black women should look to our countries of origin for support & opportunities, I must say that I am now more passionate than ever for Black women to be recognised in their birth countries or their countries of residence. As black women in UK and indeed across Europe struggle to be acknowledged the fight is tough but certainly worth fighting.

We do not live in a vacuum and deserve to be given the same opportunities as women from all backgrounds. We should not have to leave The UK to find success. It’s a challenge but if we all leave to go to The US who will be left to fight for the equality of future generations.

Pride Magazine
Pride Magazine
What do you think? Do Black Women Need To Leave The UK To Be Successful?

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