black UK

Roxanne Tataei brings conviction to your sound-system

Hat tip: Euromight

Roxanne Tataei brings conviction to your sound-system; A powerful voice on a stage with a tale or two to tell. Half Jamaican and half Iranian, at the tender old age of 21, her debut album entitled “Memoirs” is the fortuitous result of hard graft and a singular minded headspace.

Miss Tataei’s youth wasn’t misspent; Saturdays were for Church, for singing, from 9am to 5pm, every week from the age of five to ten. It was here that her voice, love of performance and work ethic took shape.

It was at various jovial Jamaican family gatherings that she sang above and beyond her stature, five part harmonies over fried fish and run-dung stew with a solo performance for dessert. These attributes were eventually accentuated in school plays and a stint with the National Youth Musical Theatre ensured most school holidays were spent on tour. In Rox’s own words ‘It wasn’t long before all that Jazz-Hands stuff got on my nerves; Chicago (the musical) got swapped for Portishead (Dummy) and Lauryn Hill (the Miseducation).

Read more about Roxanne at her website, and catch her live this summer.

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  1. Pity she is not going to play in Stockholm. As a Jamaican, I certainly would have gone to hear her. Thanks for this. Half Jamaican, half Iranian, interesting.

  2. I would have loved to see her here in Stockholm too!

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