Black Women in Europe

“I want more health tips, networking and social networking gatherings”.

I am working on resolution #1 this week:

resolution #1

1. I resolve to give the Black Women in Europe™ blog readers and social network members exactly what they ask for.

I’ll take the information gleaned from our 3rd blog and 2nd social network anniversaries survey in 2009 and literally give my readers and social network members, who responded from Australia, Denmark, England, Germany, Greece, Holland, Ireland, Italy, Rwanda, United Kingdom and the United States, what they asked for as far as features and content.

Tara in the UK wants “more Health tips, networking and social networking gatherings”.

1. Thanks Tara! Here’s a healthy tip I am going to eat using this raw food recipe from Rev. A. McKenzie in London:

Black-eyed Pea Salsa
200g/7oz sprouted black-eyed peas
1/2 cucumber, peeled & diced
2tbsp diced red pepper
2tbsp diced yellow pepper
1 clove of garlic, puréed
Paprika to taste
Juice of 1/2 a lime
3tbsp olive oil
Combine the ingredients and mix well. Add the lemon and olive oil last. Season to taste.

Did you see the post last month about getting Aliesh Pierce’s skin care secrets? She’s a professional make up artist who has worked in Europe, New York and is now in Los Angeles.

I’m inviting sisters who work or have worked in Europe as doctors, nurses, researchers, aestheticians, Yoga instructors, and/or dieticians to send me your health tips so that I can share them here and link back to your website. Equally I would love to know what health tips you have from your mother, grandmother, best friend or other trusted source.

2. Tara, and other sisters in Europe, please join the Black Women in Europe™ group on Linkedin. Sisters in Europe are also invited to join the Black Women in Europe™ social network.

Sisters are invited to send me information about networking events in Europe. I am happy to include them in the events section here on the blog. Be sure to send photos afterwards as I’ll share those in the events section too.

3. There will be a Black Women in Europe™ social network gathering in Washington, DC early this month. If you are in the DC area (social network members only) email me with your full name and number so that I can pass your information on to the organizers.

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  1. Networking tip:
    Wanted to offer that my favorite new opener at a networking event is, “What are you working on these days?” It easy for anyone to answer (even those looking for work can answer that they are working on finding a job!) and it enables folks to talk about what THEY want to talk about. I have some Networking Myths that might be helpful for your readers to review too here on this blog post –

  2. Thank you for the networking tip.

  3. Thank you for the networking tip.

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