Resolutions continued:
1. I resolve to give the Black Women in Europe™ blog readers and social network members exactly what they ask for.
I’ll take the information gleaned from our 3rd blog and 2nd social network anniversaries survey in 2009 and literally give my readers and social network members, who responded from Australia, Denmark, England, Germany, Greece, Holland, Ireland, Italy, Rwanda, United Kingdom and the United States, what they asked for as far as features and content.
Pamela in Denmark “would like to see more content on business partnerships, education and arts’.
1. Thank you Pamela. Be sure to join the regional groups on the Black Women in Europe™ social network for countries where you would like to learn more about business partnerships, education and arts. You will be able to contact the other group members. Have you joined the Entrepreneurs group on the Black Women in Europe™ social network? You may be able to facilitate or forge a business partnership or two there. Be sure to check the forums too as partnership requests have been known to be posted there.
Sisters looking for business partnerships should send the details about your company, what you offer, and what type of Partner Company would be complimentary to yours to to be posted here on the blog.
2. Pamela you should also join the Academia group on the BWIE social network to get information about educational opportunities. I try to cross post those opportunities here on the blog too. But if you are a member of the group you will get the information first hand. Several of our members are studying in Europe and can give you the inside scoop about their programs and institutions.
Did you know about the single umbrella agency for education and training programs in the EU (I didn’t until very recently)? The European Commission has integrated its various educational and training initiatives under a single umbrella, the Lifelong Learning Program. The program enables individuals at all stages of their lives to pursue stimulating learning opportunities across Europe. There are four sub-programs focusing on different stages of education and training and continuing previous programs.
If you are on Facebook try reading Lorraine’s note about free University studies in Europe; or you can read it from here.
A friend Roland in Stockholm sent me this link:
Dear readers, please send me information about education in Europe on so that I can share them here.
3. There is a group for Artists on the Black Women in Europe™ social network. And here’s a non-comprehensive list of art galleries in south and north Europe. I saw a great exhibit titled “Black is Beautiful: Rubens to Dumas” in Amsterdam a while back and got the book.
I came across a site that lists different arts festival around the world. I’d love to have more resources like this.