Resolutions continued:
1. I resolve to give the Black Women in Europe™ blog readers and social network members exactly what they ask for.
I’ll take the information gleaned from our 3rd blog and 2nd social network anniversaries survey in 2009 and literally give my readers and social network members, who responded from Australia, Denmark, England, Germany, Greece, Holland, Ireland, Italy, Rwanda, United Kingdom and the United States, what they asked for as far as features and content.
Ronke in the UK “would like to see stories on bloggers, events and profiles of European cities”.
I did a series on Black women bloggers in Europe. Check some of them out here:
Norway, Scotland, The Netherlands, and
I would love to feature more Black women bloggers in Europe. Please send me the blog URL’s of sisters who are blogging in Europe. If they are Tweeple, Tweet me their Twitter ID to @bwie for the Black Women in Europe™ Twitter list:
2. I admit I need to do a better job of updating the events page on here on the blog. The World Diversity Leadership Summit EU conference takes place in Vienna in March. WDLSEU registration link
Social network members can add their events to the Events page on the social network.
Readers are requested to send information about all kinds of events of interest to Black women in Europe to
Event planners are invited to advertise their events for Black women in Europe here.
3. Ronke have you heard about Black Expat online magazine? It contains profiles about expats around the world. There are several profiles of expats living in Europe. Their location is profiles as well. If you know any Black expats we’d love to interview them!
Another good way to get the inside scoop about cities in Europe is to join the regional groups on the Black Women in Europe social network. That way you can get inside information from the residents.
Sisters who are living in Europe I would live to invite you to submit a guest post describing your city. I like short and sweet so you should include:
1. a photo of you in your city
2. your top 5 things to do, including where to eat (please mention what to order), drink (please mention the best day to go), and shop (please mention what to buy).
3. one insider tip only locals would know – forget example the one festival not to miss, the best concert venue, best way to get value for money.
4. If my best friend were here this would be our iternary for a day. _________________________________.
If you have a website or blog I’ll link back to you. Send it to