Virginia Wangare-Greiner
Virginia Wangare-Greiner

Virginia Wangare-Greiner facilitated the second round of the “Political Participation” workshop at the 1st Black European Women’s Congress in Vienna. She is the founder of Maisha. Among her other duties, she leads a weekly Mother and Child Get together for young African women at Maisha.

Maisha is a registered non-profit NGO for African Women in Germany. We came together in 1996 and our aim is to improve the situation of these women. We are a grass-root-organisation and we support each other in times of crisis, in dealing with German authorities and organisations. Our topics of interest are women issues like child education, health education, financial and career management and psychological counseling. The concept is to empower each other in these areas to become a proud and active part of German society but at the same time remain firmly rooted in our African background culture that provides us with a special kind of strength.. We encourage each woman to become active in her own community and manage her very own life.


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