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Aminata Touré German Minister of Social Affairs, Youth, Family, Senior Citizens, Integration, and Equality

Aminata Touré

Pictures of Aminata Touré photographed by DELALI AYIVI Source: German Vogue

For me, politics is an outlet from powerlessness“.

Aminata Touré

Aminata Touré became Minister in Schleswig-Holstein this year – and turns politics into something that is suddenly understandable, accessible, and exciting. Portrait of someone who is the first in many ways – and hopefully will not remain the only one.

My ministry has many different subject areas. There are many topics that you have to familiarize yourself with intensively and many challenges that you have to overcome at the same time”.

Aminata Touré

The acute challenges include the worsening of the energy supply, the fact that more refugees have been living in Germany since the outbreak of the Ukraine war than at any time since the Second World War, or the situation in Iran. Just a few days before our conversation, Touré ordered a moratorium on deportations to the country plagued by human rights violations. Waiting for the interior ministers’ conference at the end of November to reach a nationwide decision simply took too long for her.

Read the full article in German Vogue.

My work

© Alina Schessler

My job as an MEP is to represent you in Parliament and I take that as a great responsibility and privilege. One of the best things about my job, every day is different and the exchange with many exciting people, organizations, and actors. An overview of the latest from my parliamentary work and speechesappointmentspodcast episodes, the young green women’s regulars’ table, and much more. Read on at Touré’s website.


In 2012, Touré joined the Kiel Green Youth and was elected as its speaker in 2013. In 2016, she was elected as an assessor in her state’s green party, an office she held until her election to the Landtag in 2017.

Touré was a candidate for the Schleswig-Holstein Green Youth in the 2017 Schleswig-Holstein state election and was number 11 on the party’s electoral list. She also simultaneously ran for the single-seat constituency of Neumünster. Touré did not enter the Landtag following the election, as the Green Party only received ten seats; Touré later filled the seat vacated by Monika Heinold, who was named Minister of Finance of Schleswig-Holstein. Within her state parliamentary faction, she is the speaker for Migration, Women & Equality, Children & Youth, LGBT Issues, and Anti-Racism.

Upon Rasmus Andresen‘s departure for the European Parliament in June 2019, his office as vice-president of the Landtag was vacant, and Touré was elected by the coalition to succeed him on 28 August 2019. She is the first Afro-German, as well as the youngest, Vice President of a Landtag.

In the negotiations to form a coalition government between the SPD, the Green Party and Free Democratic Party (FDP) following the 2021 federal elections, Touré was part of her party’s delegation in the working group on equality, co-chaired by Petra Köpping, Ricarda Lang and Herbert Mertin.

Touré was nominated by her party as a delegate to the Federal Convention for the purpose of electing the President of Germany in 2022.

After the 2022 Schleswig-Holstein state election, Touré’s party, Alliance ’90/The Greens entered into a coalition with the CDU under Minister-President Daniel Günther (CDU). Touré has been appointed on 29 June 2022 as Minister of Social Affairs, Youth, Family, Senior Citizens, Integration and Equality in the Second Günther cabinet, replacing Heiner Garg (FDP).

Touré was featured on the cover of Vogue Germany in December 2022. She is the first minister or politician to appear on the cover of Vogue in Germany. SOURCE Wikipedia

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  1. Bonjour madame

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