Beatrice Achaleke
Beatrice Achaleke

Beatrice Achaleke was one of the organizers of the 1st Black European Women’s Congress in Vienna. She chaired several question and answer sessions with presenters, held press conferences, attended to conference attendees needs and generally was the glue that held everything and everyone together.

She is the director of AFRA, the International Center for Black Women’s Perspectives in Vienna. She is an activist, anti-racism and intercultural communications trainer, and a member of the Black Austria team.

Beatrice is often invited to speak at seminars including the European Network Against Racism Seminar titled Promoting Integration held in Brussels. She spoke about Migrant women and was quoted saying:

Measures need to be taken not only to tackle discrimination but to address the disadvantage that has been created by years upon years of discrimination. Migrants create jobs; it is time for the jobs that they create start benefiting them.

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  1. david williams

    I am a black american male living in birmingham al who follows european current events.
    how can I email you Beatrice to discuss racism in sports politics and employemnt

  2. You may be able to reach Beatrice through the Black European Women's Council:

  3. You may be able to reach Beatrice through the Black European Women's Council:

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