The Afropolitan Festival is three days of exceptional programming dedicated to Afropolitan art, creativity and state of mind, presented by BOZAR and its partners, with honorary guest artists Fredy Massamba, the great voice of Afro-soul, and Tatiana Silva, television presenter. Some thirty multidisciplinary events with over 70 artists and cultural players from Belgium, the two Congos, Ghana and Europe are articulated around three themes: the Belgian Congolese diaspora, Afropolitans of Europe, and bridges between Sub-Saharans and North Africans. The majority of the events are free.

Join us at the official opening of the Festival, Friday February 3 at 20:00 in the Horta Hall, in the company of the Festival’s honorary guests Fredy Massamba and Tatiana Silva, and with the performance of the dance duo, Les Mybalés.