African Diaspora

Are you an African American expat missing your favorite American foods? I’ve got a deal for you.

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I just found out about an online food store, My American Market for Americans craving a taste of home and anyone else across Europe that likes American food products.

Hopefully, If you’re an African American living in Europe, you are enjoying more slow food, less processed food and seasonal fruits and vegetables than you may have allowed yourself at home, and maybe don’t even miss what is so readily available in the States.

But a sister from the States in the Mediterranean mentioned to me the other day that she still has a hard time eating pancakes without maple syrup. Luckily I can find maple syrup in Stockholm. But if you need boxed cornbread mix…

Use coupon code “BEXPAT21” until the end of October to get 10% off your order shipped in France and EU+Switzerland.

Happy shopping, eating, baking, etc!

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  1. BlackButterfly

    I like your site and i will tell other bloggers that i know about it as well. Some of them are in other countries and i know that 1 of them is in Europe.

  2. Thank you! I really appreciate it. Have you seen the Women of the African Diaspora website?

  3. I was born in the uk but spent my child hood up to my pre teens in the usa. That site is bringing back so many memories that I am going to have to buy something. I have so missed having cornbread with my traditional jamaican rice n peas and chicken sunday dinner. much much more. Some big department stores like Selfridges sell many American stuff but its not the same as just going and getting it as and when. My local Walmart -Asda sells Kraft Macaroni in the box. ooooh there must be a healthy way to enjoy all these treats. Not forgetting season salt it just makes the food taste different. Thanks for sharing

  4. Can you find cornmeal where you are? I'm actually not sure if I can here in Sweden. I've bought what I thought was cornmeal only to find out that it wasn't. I bring back Seasoned sale from the States and use it sparingly. I bring back grits too!

  5. Can you find cornmeal where you are? I'm actually not sure if I can here in Sweden. I've bought what I thought was cornmeal only to find out that it wasn't. I bring back Seasoned sale from the States and use it sparingly. I bring back grits too!

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