Friday 18 November 2022, 5pm – 8pm
Ashmolean Museum, Beaumont St, Oxford OX1 2PH

FREE After Hours events at the Ashmolean Museum and Bodleian Library packed with entertainment
Part of the Humanities Cultural Programme
Friday 18th November
Ashmolean After Hours: Pharaoh Friday! 5.00pm-8.00pm. Book free tickets via the Ashmolean here (if sold out please keep checking as new tickets will be released soon)
Library Lates: Excavating the Egyptians 7.00pm-9.30pm – For further information and tickets please click here.
Ashmolean After Hours: Pharaoh Friday! *Full programme to be announced shortly*
Egypt has inspired so many generations in so many ways – with the centenary of the re-discovery of King Tutankhamun’s Tomb in November 1922, we have brought together artists and researchers to commemorate Egypt and its influence on the world around it.
Join us for an exciting evening of Egypt inspired performances, games and bite-sized talks at the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford – whether you want to hear about archaeology adventures from Egyptologists themselves, or play interactive games with researchers. There will be plenty of time to wander through the museum’s Egyptian galleries and meet some modern Egyptian artists displaying their latest work and listen to live music performances inspired by Egypt – why not try check out the showcases of the latest technology used to tell some of the world’s most ancient stories.
All are welcome. Come and join us for an exciting evening of Ancient Egypt inspired music, talks, performance and participation. Do not miss out. Tickets are free but booking is essential. Book your tickets here.
Library Lates: Excavating the Egyptians *Full programme to be announced shortly*
For further information and tickets please click here.
Part of the the Humanities Cultural Programme one of the founding stones for the future Stephen A. Schwarzman Centre for the Humanities, and Being Human Festival.
Organised in collaboration with the Ashmolean Museum.