black austria Black Women in Europe

Beatrice Acheleke Honored with The 2009 World Diversity Leadership Summit “Freedom and Justice” Award

Beatrice headshot

Beatrice Acheleke, founder and leader of the Black European Women’s Council was honored at the 2009 World Diversity Leadership Summit this month in Washington, DC. Ms. Acheleke is a mother, executive director of AFRA, a non-profit, non governmental self-organisation and NGO of Black Women with headquarter in Vienna, Austria, and an inspiration to Black women everywhere.

Previous honorees include Vaclav Havel, former President of the Czech Republic and leader of the Czech Velvet Revolution against Communist Rule.

The World Diversity Leadership Summit conference is the world’s leading gathering of senior corporate executives, leading experts and policymakers focused on global and local diversity best practices. Conference partners included some of the largest and most respected companies and media outlets n the world.

The Black Women in Europe Blog and Social Network is proud to know Beatrice and have her as a member of our community! We salute you and congratulate you!

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  1. BlackButterfly

    I have discovered your blog and although i’m not a black woman in europe, i am black and like your website and how u include everyone that’s black around the world. I’ll come by as often as i can and maybe one day i too can travel outside of my country and meet some of my other fellow black people.

    Congrats, Beatrice!

  2. Hi BlackButterfly! It is so nice to meet you on my blog. I do hope you'll visit and thank you for congratulating Beatrice. She makes us all proud.

  3. In case any of you ladies are gamers.

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