black England

Bebe Clement is a Public speaker, legal adviser and Master of Ceremonies.

Bebe was born Abim­bola Akin­sanya. At 10, her mother died sud­denly and being the eldest of 12 chil­dren, her child­hood was effec­tively over as she strug­gled to be a mother to her sib­lings while fur­ther­ing her education.

From a young age it became clear that pub­lic speak­ing was her gift. She joined the debat­ing team in her school, going on to win debates at national level.

Dur­ing her A lev­els, she was made Head Pre­fect at her exclu­sive school for girls and went on to study Eng­lish Lan­guage and Lit­er­a­ture at Uni­ver­sity. There she wrote plays for her fac­ulty that were staged and most mem­o­rably wrote and starred in a mono­logue about the seedy life of a pros­ti­tute that brought the house down. She was the first female to be voted into the Stu­dents Union of her university.

She went on to Study law obtain­ing an LLB.

A piv­i­tal point in her life was after suf­fer­ing many years of infer­til­ity, going on to give birth to a son who was later diag­nosed as being severely autis­tic. Grap­pling with an ill­ness she did not under­stand, being pet­ri­fied of the present and fear­ful of the future and not know­ing where to turn, she made a deci­sion that though this was clearly a comma in the life of her and her fam­ily, she would not let it become the full stop.

Hav­ing had to leave her job to care for her son, she started a com­pany from home that pro­vided bespoke employ­ment law advice to SME’s and individuals.

In recent years she has founded Black Busi­nesses, a net­work­ing group for black pro­fes­sion­als with strong empha­sis on integrity. She is the cur­rent Pres­i­dent of the group.

Bebe provides a number of training courses on Public speaking skills, is a highly sought after speaker, a legal adviser spe­cial­is­ing in Employ­ment Law, and Master of Ceremonies.

Learn more about Bebe at her website.

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