For Immediate Release


The ACDiversity mentoring programme has achieved an 87.50% GCSE pass rate for 2007; this is 27.50% above the Governments benchmark of 60%. In partnership with some of London???s leading institutions, the ???Mentoring and Enrichment Programme??? was created for the black youth to support their development and educational growth.

Brenda King, Chief Executive of ACDiversity states, ???The Mentoring Programme??? has now proved that mentoring will improve a student???s academic and personal abilities. Black youth have many obstacles to face, and with this programme, it enables them to build their abilities and understand the aspects of critiquing social and media
influences. The results for 2007 have exceeded all expectations with their attitudes and personal issues greatly improved???.

Since 2003, 142 students have participated in the programme with 25 students in 2007. ACDiversity works with organisations that include JPMorgan, Citi, Clifford Chance LLP , Baker & McKenzie LLP and Barclays Capital.


For all press and media enquires:
Victor Trocki

AC Diversity
African and Caribbean Diversity (ACDiversity) was founded in 1990 by a group of black business professionals, with an objective to implement educational programmes for young African and Caribbean students in the UK. ACD became a charity in 1995.

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