UK Black History Month
The Black Togetherness campaign celebrates the beauty and empowerment that happens whenever people from the African diaspora come together. We’ve learnt that standing hand-in-hand, strengthened by our differences, is the only way our communities will thrive and prosper. Step 1 
Take a picture of your hand.Step 2 
Write 1-3 words that sums up
what black togetherness means to you.Step 3
Tag your brothers, sisters, mentors, advocates, cheerleaders  —
those that stand with you hand-in-hand. Step 4 
Tag #myomek
#blacktogetherness2020Step 5 
Share a personal story on Instagram that captures the beauty
of coming together and the power of supporting each other.
A story about Black Togetherness!
 Follow the stories @my_omek

“Having grown up in Zimbabwe all my life, 
moving to the Netherlands was exciting but daunting. One of the things that I struggled with was trying to orient myself in spaces where I was the minority, or spaces where my voice wasn’t always valued. It’s something I’d never mentally prepared myself for, because I always thought the adjustment would come easily. However, finding safe spaces and communities with Black people, through my college, student associations in Rotterdam and the Hague made me feel that I wasn’t alone.I never knew how important the African diaspora would be for me, in terms of creating relationships, networking and having a sense of home. The beauty I’ve found in black togetherness in the Netherlands here has shown me that even when I am thousands of miles away from home, I have a home and community here with people who will always support and stand by me.”

Rumbidzo Dangarembizi

Student Ambassador, University of Leiden

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