Official launching of Blacktree TV Europe. (High class event)
Saturday 27 September 2008, Blacktree TV Europe will celebrate its official start of activities. This will be included among the manifestations of the 28th Dutch film Festival in Utrecht/Netherlands.
Launching program: Activities From 1 to 4
1 -Lecture by Didier Chabi (Director Blacktree TV Europe)
Lecture by Jamaal Finkley (CEO Blacktree media USA)
2-Debate: Theme/ Multicultural collaboration issues in European Entertainment sector. Problems and solutions. Free for Audience.
Hosted by: Mr Bruce Mutsvairo, Journalist at AFP.
Beatrice Achaleke (AFRA ??? International Center for Black Women???s Perspectives Austria, www.blackwomencenter.org)
Didier Chabi: Actor and Director, NL
Jamaal Finkley: CEO Blacktree media USA
Don Clovis: Film Producer USA/NL
Anthony Idem: Co-CEO Blacktree media USA
ED Klute: Directeur Mira Media (Minorities in Media) NL/EU
Noah Sow: multi-talented musician, voice artist, radio playwright, author, and producer has made a name for herself as a composer and singer. She is internationally active on rock music stages with her band ???Noah Sow & Das Heimlich Maneuver???
Sami Gathii: Actor Producer entertainer Crossroad production
Prof. Donald Muldrow Griffith:???co-founder/director:???Fountainhead Tanz Theatre/Black International Cinema/???The Collegium – Forum & Television Program Berlin/???Cultural Zephyr e.V.
Jean Van Der Velde: Director Film Producer
Misstrezz: Female rapper/NL
Ali B: Musician Rapper/NL
Nino (Blacklabel): Rapper entertainer / NL
Negatif: Award winning actor, musician Rapper/NL
kees de koning: Hip Hop music Producer Director at Topnotch/NL
and many more???.
3-First interviews with Blacktree TV Europe
(Stars of the Dutch film premier ???Het wapen van Geldrop??? Katja Schuurman and Thijs Romer)
4-Black Carpet disco: First VIP after party to celebrate the launching of Blacktree.TV Europe.
Divers DJ???s in menus.
Live performances of artists under Black voice label from music Producer Marlon Steven Kate.
Live act: Performance by Ndure Basiru, Actor and Dramaturge.
Video release:
Misstrezz (The love ones)
Black Marshall (Mr Politician)
Guests: Member owners of Blacktree media.
(Anthony Idem, Jamaal finkley etc???)
Dutch Celebrities as: Kenny-B, Postmen, Ziggi, Anthony kamerling and spouse Isa Hous, Victor Low, katja Schuurman and Thijs Romer, Ali B, Negatif, The French rapper celebrity Mokobe.
Venues and Time: From 1 to 4
1-Lectures at Winkel van Sinkel Film Festival Grand Restaurant Urecht. 14h to 15h
2-Debate at Winkel van Sinkel Film festival Grand restaurant Utrecht. 16h to 18h
3-First Interviews at Stadschouwburg Theater Utrecht after film premier.
4-Black carpet VIP party at (DNB) De nachtburgemeester Disco Utrecht.
NB: Diner at Ostrich Restaurant at 18h-20h / Only invited guests.
great informative post, Very much appreciated.
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