Yoruba Girl Dancing

Yoruba Girl Dancing

Hi. I’m a London-based freelance writer and journalist, writing for magazines, newspapers, and websites. I’m also currently working on a collection of short stories.

On Yoruba Girl Dancing I write about things like race, women, pop culture and feminism, but also silly things like telly, boys and video clips of babies tasting lemons… I love all ‘low’ culture and am a telly and film geek. As such, I’m that annoying person who quotes liberally from the screen – perennial favourites are The Princess Bride, Spaced, 30 Rock and Zoolander.

I am a Word Twist fiend, love books, crosswords, magazines, graphic novels, food and fashion. I wear my ’sandal-wearing, bleeding heart liberal’ badge with pride.

I have awesome hair most of the time.

Link to Yoruba Girl.

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