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Brenda King and African & Caribbean Diversity get Actors to encourage more black students to go to Cambridge University.

Black Actors encourage black students

Here is some good news from Brenda King at African & Caribbean Diversity in the UK:

Actors from Coronation Street and EastEnders put aside their soap rivalry to encourage more black students to go to Cambridge University.

Rudolph Walker, who plays Patrick in EastEnders, joined Wetherfield newcomer Colin McFarlane at Corpus Christi College yesterday to back a mentoring scheme by educational charity Afro Caribbean (AC) Diversity, which helps black teenagers from inner London to apply to Britain’s top universities.

The pair was also joined by well-known TV and film actor Shaun Parkes, who recently starred as TV detective Moses Jones.

The three men spoke to a group of London teenagers, who have spent the past week studying in Cambridge on a mini-summer school.

Read the full story on Cambridge’s website.

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  1. […] Brenda King and African & Caribbean Diversity get Actors to … […]

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