Doria Ragland

Game changer.

Doria Ragland

Mother of the Bride with the Bride.

It can’t be easy when all eyes are on you. Doria Ragland, mother in law to Britain’s Prince Harry, simply glowed. The American actress Meghan Markle is arguably not the first woman of African descent to marry into Britain’s royal family but she is the first in th 21sts century. St. George’s Chapel was filled with so many familiar faces from Serena Williams to Oprah Winfrey to the Beckhams and Elton John.

American Bishop Michael Curry He preached!!!!! Invoked Dr Martine Luther King!

Mother of the Bride.

Prince Harry wiped his tears during most of the ceremony.

Exchanging vows.

Basking in love.

Married! May they be happy and as in love as every young couple deserves.

Watch the highlights and enjoy.

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