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European Diversity and Inclusion Congress (EDIC) High-­‐level international forum for business executives, media and research institutions Vienna, 1st – 2nd March 2012

Call for Speakers

Diversity Leadership

European Diversity and Inclusion Congress (EDIC)
High-­‐level international forum for business executives, media and research institutions Vienna, 1st – 2nd March 2012Dear D&I Experts, Practitioners, Researchers etc.!

The European Diversity and Inclusion Congress –EDIC 2012 is happy to announce its call for speakers!
EDIC is a high-ranking international gathering of senior corporate managers, HR and CSR managers, diversity and inclusion experts and practitioners, government and non-government organization (NGO) officials, academics etc. focusing on the complex challenges and opportunities related to global diversity management.

EDIC provides its attendees with a two days of very unique, intensive and interactive experience, exposing them to a refreshing combination of cutting-edge tools and opportunities on the one hand and groundbreaking, trendsetting innovative research findings in the field of Diversity and Inclusion from both a European and global perspectives on the other hand.

Whereas day one is focusing on marketing diversity for business results, comparative advantages of flexible working arrangements both for companies and employees, taping into the pipeline of women and minorities, setting and managing diversity targets in an ever-changing workforce, day two is committed to Inclusion management, Innovative research findings, career development and human networks, diversity charters, employee engagement and satisfaction, placing a special focus on how companies and D&I experts can overcome challenges and create new opportunities in emerging workforces.

Exact conference location will be communicated shortly!

Submission and deadline

Interested speakers are kindly invited to take a close look at our agenda online by clicking on for our 2012 agenda, and to kindly select the topic/panel most suitable to their expertise.
Complete requests for speaking engagement should be sent to us via mail to preferably in word document form. Please make sure to include the following to make your submission complete:

An abstract with no more than 400 words briefly describing your input/approach to the chosen panel
Short bio with no more than 150 words clearly stating your expertise on the chosen panel/topic
1 printable photograph, no less than 300 DPI, for our Congress Journal
For the purpose of quick handling we encourage you to submit your complete registration no later than Monday 30th November 2011.The D&I Congress enjoys a high demand of speaking engagements from extremely high-profile leaders from around the globe. Speakers will therefore be considered depending on availability of speaking opportunities. Selected speaker will receive a notice with our speaker’s commitment form and an invitation to proceed to official online registration.Target audience of EDIC

The EDIC is an ideal Forum for Business and the public sector, leaders and decision-makers seeking insight, expertise and solutions on how to stay competitive and successful in today’s rapidly changing workforces and marketplaces.

Our target audiences include high-profile international diversity and inclusion experts, CEOs, academia, D&I practitioners, authors, journalists etc, seeking to share their insights, strategies, benefits, challenges, opportunities on how today’s businesses can best manage and profit from inclusive diversity.

EDIC is an excellent training and learning place for organisational development specialists, diversity, minority and gender trainers and coaches, policy-makers and anyone interested in diversity and inclusion and seeking maximum output at the lowest cost.

EDIC’s setting and selected topics are most carefully designed to meet the needs of companies and D&I mangers with little money, seeking to improve their company D&I profile and reputation.

Expected number of participants

Each of our past diversity leadership conferences has attracted over 230 participants from all over the world. However, for the purpose of interactively and intensively engaging and taping into the expertise and biographies of both our speakers and attendees we are consciously limiting the maximum number our participants for 2012 to 200.

Congress language

The Congress will be held both in English and German according to speaker’s preference. Simultaneous Interpretation will be provided in both languages as needed.

Visit our website for any further information.

It is our duty and pleasure to assist you through a smooth and quick registration procedure, so feel free to contact us for any assistance. You can reach us by phone +43 9660 11 969 115 or by email:

I personally look forward to welcoming you on board our high profile speakers’ community, to Vienna in and to EDIC 2012.

Let the sun shine!

Beatrice's signature

Beatrice Achaleke
CEO Diversity Leadership
EDIC Founder & Congress Manager

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